Learning from the Online Marketing Mistakes of Others

  Sometimes the best way for today’s online marketers to learn how to effectively optimize and promote their business on the Internet is to observe and learn from the mistakes made by others. This article will focus on the four most egregious errors seen in the world of marketing and what you can do to…

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Basic SEO Crash Course

If you run an online business in any capacity, it is important to have at least a basic understanding of search engine optimization or SEO. Once you understand how it all works, you will know what is required in the development phase of your website. This knowledge will help you not only to better optimize…

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Internet Marketing Strategies – The Biggies

  If you are going to have any kind of web presence for your business, it is important to dedicate some time to developing an Internet marketing strategy. The key to online success, whether you actually conduct business via a web page or if you are just using the Internet to communicate with your customers…

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Social Media: Is it Having an Effect on Your SEO Efforts?

  When done properly, social media can have a very positive effect on your website’s search engine optimization. However, there is still some debate within the marketing and SEO communities on the negative impact that social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter can have on a website’s overall popularity and relevance in the search…

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Is Your Content Helping Your Business Website’s SEO?

Some developers think all they need to do to establish good search engine optimization is to fill their web pages with keyword-rich articles and posts for the search engine bots to devour. While it is true that materials that are relevant to the overall focus or theme of the business are an important part of…

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Tips to Help You with Google Local Search

  One of the benefits of the new trend in mobile Internet usage has been an increase in consumer demand for localized search. Users are out on the town and looking for new businesses to visit and they are using their mobile devices to find them. Google has responded, giving users what they want and…

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Ways to Keep Visitors on Your Website Longer

  One of the biggest challenges facing bloggers today is learning how to engage their readers through their postings. Each post should be written with the idea of getting visitors to stay on the page longer, read more posts and interact with the website. Unfortunately most readers will find a specific blog post they want…

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